A Spending Sham

A fresh new Congress has come to Washington, run by a different party, with different leadership and very different ideas. The new House adopted tougher ethics rules for its members …

A Spending Sham

A fresh new Congress has come to Washington, run by a different party, with different leadership and very different ideas.

Privacy Policy for NCPA Websites

National Center For Policy Analysis has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for our websites. …

About the NCPA

The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization, established in 1983. The NCPA's goal is to develop and promote private alternatives to government …

Contact Us

Dallas Headquarters:14180 Dallas Parkway, Suite 350Dallas, TX 75254Phone: (972) 386-6272 Washington Office:600 Pennsylvania SE, #310Washington, DC 20003Phone: (202) 830-0177 For mail to Allen West, please send to the Dallas Headquarters. …

Democrat Congress Sings Same Song, New Verse On Energy

The House of Representatives is set to vote this week on a package of energy proposals that will impose new conservation fees on oil and natural gas taken from the Gulf of Mexico and will bar companies from future Gulf lease sales unless they agree to renegotiate leases agreed to under the Clinton Administration.

Government Has Poorly Managed Public Lands

Government has poorly managed the public's natural resources as it struggles to balance public land uses, such as logging and recreation, with preservation of lands in their original state, according to a new report from the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).

Statement on Consumer Driven Health Care

Health care is on a course to crowd out every other government program – from education and roads and bridges to Social Security and national defense.  And for the economy as a whole, health care is on a course to crowd.

Seniors' Drug Costs: Government versus the Internet

Leaders of the new Democrat-controlled Congress have expressed concern about the out-of-pocket costs to seniors under many of the new Medicare drug plans.  Some are calling for expanded coverage, which would lead to higher premiums, higher taxes or both.  Others want the federal government to negotiate prices directly with drug companies.  But this approach threatens to limit seniors' access to many drugs.  Fortunately, there is a better way:  The Internet.

Health Care Spending Slows For Third Straight Year

A dramatic decrease in the growth of prescription drug spending helped slow overall health care spending in 2005 to its lowest rate since 1999, according an article from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published today in Health Affairs.