Crisis of the Uninsured: 2010 and Beyond

One of the primary goals of the new federal health reform law – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) – is to ensure that all Americans have health insurance. Yet it is generally overlooked that the proportion of Americans without health coverage has been relatively stable over time.

U.S. Needs To Lead in R&D, Not Follow

Extending business tax credits for research and development (R&D) and making them permanent are necessary to create and retain high-level jobs in the U.S., according to a new research paper released today by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA). The report also concludes that expanding the R&D credits and making them permanent could grow gross domestic product (GDP) and increase taxable revenues.

Don't Let the R & D Tax Credit Slip Away

Prior to the 1970s, there were barriers to foreign investment, such as laws limiting ownership of U.S. corporations. As trade barriers fell in the 1970s and the economies of countries in North America, Europe and Asia became more integrated, U.S. policymakers focused on incentives to attract foreign investment.