Will Green Energy Make the United States Less Secure?

Environmentalists have long cited the environmental harms caused by fossil fuels as evidence of the need to move to green sources of energy such as wind and solar power. Recently, some conservatives have joined their cause. Citing national security, those concerned about the United States’ freedom to act in its geopolitical interest have begun to embrace renewable energy as a means of reducing America’s reliance on foreign oil.

Business in The Beltway: Silver Linings In Employment Data

Forbes: In an earlier post, I claimed that the 3.2 percent growth in Real GDP understated the strength in the economy because inventory depletion (probably a sign of strength) took such a big chunk out of the number. Real Final Sales (Real GDP minus the inventory change) increased a whopping 7.1 percent. This strong number got little attention in the press.

Feb 1, 2011

NCPA President and Kellye Wright Fellow, Dr. John Goodman will speak on a panel for the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. Dr. Goodman will discuss furthering provider accountability over time …