The President’s Minimum Wage Proposal

Forbes: Denying the negative consequences of raising the minimum wage leaves supporters of the proposal vulnerable to “reduction ad absurdum,” says NCPA Distinguished Fellow Bob McTeer in a Forbes commentary.

Dennis McCuistion

Dennis McCuistion served as interim President and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) from June to December 2014.  He as a corporate governance and strategic planning expert. …

India’s Weak Patent Rights Hurt U.S. Pharmaceutical Trade

India is one of the top global leaders in the generic pharmaceutical drug market. The third largest drug producer in the world, India is also the second largest exporter of generic drugs to the United States, behind only Canada. India’s success in pharmaceutical manufacturing prompted President Pratibha Patil to declare, in 2010, that the next 10 years will be India’s “decade of innovation.”