ObamaCare Grace Period

FOX News: When a patient falls behind on their premium payments, could be left with an unpleasant surprise, says NCPA President John Goodman on FOX News. Under ObamaCare, insurance companies are only obligated to cover 30 of the 90 day grace period for patients who stop paying, leaving doctors with the bill for the last 60 days.

Reforming the Corporate Income Tax

Reforming the Corporate Income Tax How to increase wages for all workers, boost GDP, and remain revenue neutral   co-sponsored by the Tax Analysis Center and the National Center for …

The FOMC's Low-Inflation Worries

Forbes: Convincing the public that a little inflation is a good thing is going to be a tough sell for Janet Yellen, says NCPA Distinguished Fellow Bob McTeer in a Forbes commentary.

Why Are There So Few Job Losses from Minimum-Wage Hikes?

Both proponents and opponents of federal minimum-wage hikes are convinced that if Congress raises the minimum wage (whether to $9 or $10.10 or $15 an hour) the welfare of tens of millions of low-income workers will rise by a comparable amount. The two sides disagree over the extent of the job losses low-wage workers will suffer, but both sides acknowledge that most econometric studies over the past half-century show that a 10 percent hike in the federal minimum wage results in job losses for unskilled workers of no more than 3 percent, and potentially less than 1 percent. Most recently, the Congressional Budget Office found that if the minimum wage is hiked to $10.10, expected job losses by 2016 will amount to a scant 0.3 percent of the jobs affected.