The Fall of the Dollar

American Thinker: NCPA Distinguished Fellow Bob McTeer outlines the value and risks the U.S. faces while the dollar is considered the world currency in an American Thinker article.

John R. Graham – Commentaries

John R. Graham is a Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute as well as NCPA. As an expert on individual choice and limited government control over medicine, Graham speaks frequently …

Medicaid Expansion: Wisconsin Got It Right

A well-known provision of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) required states to expand Medicaid eligibility to individuals with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) or face the loss of federal matching funds for the joint federal-state health program for the poor.

Critical Minerals: Rare Earths and the U.S. Economy

Rare earths are 17 elements in the Earth’s crust used in a variety of applications, from hybrid cars and x-ray units to cell phones and wind turbines. When it comes to little-known resources, rare earths are probably the world’s most important — they are small but necessary components of a vast range of consumer goods that account for hundreds of billions of dollars in gross domestic product.