Eileen Curry Resnik

Executive VP of Development Eileen Curry Resnik is Executive Vice President of Development for the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA). She is responsible for fundraising and donor relations efforts …

How much are teachers really paid?

Los Angeles and New York City elementary school teachers are some of the highest paid in the country according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data. It is no surprise that the country’s two largest cities would be atop this list, but what may be surprising is the city that beats New York and L.A.


Brooks Hamilton

Senior Fellow Brooks Hamilton, a Dallas attorney, has worked in the employee benefit field for over 40 years. Since the late seventies his practice has been limited to the design …

Risky Business: Will Taxpayers Bail Out Health Insurers?

Despite the president’s assurance that “if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan,” Obamacare caused significant disruption to people’s coverage as the health insurance exchanges prepared for their first open enrollment. Beginning October 1, 2013, insurers knew they would struggle to price policies in the exchanges accurately.