Reforming Obamacare: How Congress, and the President, Can Win after King v. Burwell

The U.S. Supreme Court decision in King v. Burwell, the lawsuit which asserts tax credits currently being paid to health insurers in 34 to 37 states that use the federal health insurance exchange ( are illegal, could require almost seven million people to pay the full premiums for their Obamacare policies. This will cause a crisis, and demand a response, giving Congress the opportunity to remove some of the Affordable Care Act’s most harmful features.

“The Good Crisis that Can’t be Wasted” The response of liberal left progressives to the unconscionable acts of the Charleston shooter have more to do with political posturing than heartfelt care or concern, says NCPA President/CEO Allen West in a commentary.

ObamaCare and Employer-based Benefits

American Thinker: The most certain legacy of the president’s healthcare reform is immense confusion about the numbers of uninsured, says NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham in an American Thinker commentary.

The Case for Conditional Cash Transfers in the United States

Programs in several countries providing conditional cash transfers to low-income individuals and families are focused on improving the education and general well-being of children. The conditions parents must meet range from general health check-ups to school attendance and performance requirements. Though cash transfer programs are popular and successful internationally, particularly in developing countries, Americans have paid very little attention to their potential benefits.

STEAM Rising

Slate:  “STEM already suffers from a major problem with student engagement, and the focus on changing STEM to STEAM would distract from the issue,” says NCPA Research Fellow Lloyd M. Bentsen IV in a Slate article.

Lament for Medicare's Sustainable Growth Rate

Real Clear Policy: The principle that Medicare’s physician payments should be based on the nation’s ability to pay, is one we have jettisoned at our fiscal peril, says NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham in a commentary at Real Clear Policy.

Do Unemployment Insurance Benefits Encourage Reemployment?

During the 2008 Recession, the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program provided the long-term unemployed an unprecedented maximum 99 weeks of benefits. Some weeks of extended benefits were available to workers in all states, but workers in the states with the highest unemployment rates received the maximum weeks of benefits.

The Fed Should Act on July 29

Forbes: Why put off the tweaking of the Federal Funds rate to September when the Federal Open Market Committee is already meeting in late July, asks NCPA Distinguished Fellow Bob McTeer in a commentary at Forbes.

Allen West

  Meet & Greet with Allen West WHEN:    Saturday, July 18, 2015                 Continental Breakfast and Meet & Greet:                   9:15 – 10:00 …