West on Unions

FOX Business News: When you look at the states where industry and production and manufacturing have been leaving, it is because trade agreements have caused American jobs to be outsourced, says NCPA President/CEO Allen West in an interview on Fox Business News’ Cavuto: Coast to Coast.

How the Shale Gas Boom Creates Estate Tax Problems for Farmers

On April 16, 2015, the House of Representatives voted to repeal the estate tax.1  The Obama Administration decried the proposed tax cut and vowed a veto.2 The Senate is now considering a repeal bill introduced by Senator John Thune.3  With this controversial tax again in the news, it is time for a re-evaluation, because this tax stifles economic growth and punishes small business owners and farmers.

The Export-Import Bank is Overdrawn

Townhall.com: On June 30th, Congress should allow the sun to set on the ill-conceived notion of government venture capitalism we call the Export-Import Bank, which violates free enterprise and opportunity economics, said NCPA President/CEO Allen West in a Townhall.com commentary.

Obamacare Health Insurance COOPs Are Unraveling

Many supporters of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) wanted a public plan option to compete with the private insurers offering insurance in the state and federal health exchanges. To placate these progressives, the ACA created a type of nonprofit health insurance cooperative that would borrow funds from the government for start-up costs and solvency reserves.

Real, Simple (and Transparent) Tax Reform

Every candidate running for the presidency in 2016 will trumpet tax reform as part of his or her agenda. The contenders may propose to reduce rates, eliminate deductions, or give credits for this or that. But real reform requires structural changes to the tax system. Otherwise, taxpayers will be left with the same onerous system as today.

FCC Versus Your Health

iHealthBeat: Net neutrality threatens one of the most promising areas of innovation in health care – using mobile devices to maintain and improve people’s health, says NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham in a commentary at iHealthBeat.

David A. Grantham, Ph.D.

Senior Fellow of National Security David A. Grantham, Ph.D., is a leading expert in national security matters and international affairs with specializations in Latin America and the Middle East. Dr. …

Secure Texas' Electrical Grid Now

NCPA: Texas Governor Greg Abbott and his administration have an amazing opportunity to secure the state’s electrical grid from electromagnetic pulses, said NCPA President/CEO Allen West and Dallas Eagle Forum President Trayce Bradford in a new commentary.

Innovative Teaching Methods Key to STEM Engagement

NCPA: In order to fill the growing number of STEM openings over the next several years, schools across Texas must reevaluate how STEM subjects are taught, according to a new report by National Center for Policy Analysis Senior Research Fellow Lloyd Bentsen IV.

Texas Electrical Grid Must Not Be Left Vulnerable

NCPA: Several critical pieces of legislation are moving through committee to secure the Texas electrical grid from both natural disaster, man-made electromagnetic pulses and terrorist attacks. These threats have been classified as real danger by federal agencies, according to NCPA President/CEO Allen West and Dallas Eagle Forum President Trayce Bradford in a publication by the NCPA