Accounting Techniques Hurting Competition, Small Businesses

NCPA: Last In First Out” valuation hinders the ability of investors to understand the true financial condition of the firms they’re investing in and puts small companies at a severe disadvantage, according to a new report by National Center for Policy Analysis Research Associate Santiago Bello.

James Rickards

Kickoff Event for the NCPA Financial Crisis Initiative Featuring New York Times Best Selling Author James Rickards WHEN:    Thursday, April 30, 2015                9:30AM – 11:00AM WHERE:  Bent Tree Country Club                5201 Westgrove Drive                Dallas, TX …

Congressional Brief: Medicare

While Social Security has received considerably more attention in recent years, Medicare is actually a much larger problem. It is growing at a faster rate and has an unfunded liability six times the size of Social Security. Medicare is on a spending path that is impossible to sustain. The program must deal not only with the demographic pressures Social Security faces, but also the soaring cost of medical care.

Congressional Brief: Retirement Accounts

Private retirement accounts include employer-sponsored 401(k)s and 403(b)s, and privately-purchased plans like Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Today, about 88 million people participate in one of these defined-contribution plans, with total assets of more than $4.5 trillion.

Congressional Brief: Health Care

To confront America’s health care crisis, we do not need more spending, more regulations or more bureaucracy. We do need people, however, including every doctor and every patient. All 320 million Americans must be free to use their intelligence, their creativity and their innovative ability to make the changes needed to create access to low-cost, high-quality health care.

Congressional Brief: Social Security

Social Security is the cornerstone of retirement security in the United States today. A third of Americans depend on the program for almost all their retirement income; without it, one-in-five would have no retirement income. But the program so many depend on simply cannot afford what it promises today’s workers and faces a shortfall of more than $13 trillion over the next 75 years. Reforms are desperately needed.

Job Opportunities

NCPA is an equal opportunity employer and will consider all applicants for all positions equally without regard to their race, sex, age, color, religion, national origin, disability or veteran status. …

Thomas A. Hemphill

Thomas A. Hemphill is a professor of strategy, innovation and public policy in the School of Management, University of Michigan-Flint. Dr. Hemphill teaches in the areas of business and society, …

New Drug Plan Regulations Protect Pharmacies, Harm Consumers

Compared to hospital and physician care, drug therapy is by far the most cost-effective way to treat most diseases and health conditions. Americans spend twice as much for physician care and three times as much on hospital care as they do for drugs. And drug therapy often eliminates, lessens or delays the need for more invasive treatments such as surgery or inpatient care.

Fix The Flawed Medicare Doc Fix

On March 26, an overwhelming bipartisan majority in the House of Representatives voted for the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA). Secretly negotiated between Republican and Democratic leaders, this bill is the so-called Medicare “doc fix,” a prize that has been chased for many years but never caught by politicians eager to break out of the fiscal discipline a previous Congress imposed on them.