Politico Morning eHealth

Politico: Government-mandated electronic health records have led to a less effective health IT environment and inhibited true innovation in health information technology, says NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham in a Politico article.

We Must Define the Enemy

U.S. News and World Report: Failing to define your enemy dismisses both the enemy and yourself, says NCPA President/CEO Allen West in a US News and World Report commentary.

NCPA to Tackle Government Transparency

NCPA: Can we prevent another market-mortgage economic crash? As economic experts from many sectors warn of an impending economic crash – possibly of equal magnitude to the Great Recession of 2008 – the National Center for Policy Analysis will create a task force to research and report on the causes and effects of the 2008 financial crisis and recommend solutions for the future.

Feb 12, 2015

Executive Vice President and COO Jacki Pick gave a presentation on America’s Energy Network to the NAPE Expo in Houston, TX

MyRA or the Highway?

The Obama administration directed the Treasury Department to establish a program of individual retirement savings accounts known as “MyRAs” beginning January 2015. MyRA accounts allow workers to save via payroll deductions.

Jacki Pick

Senior Energy Fellow Ms. Pick manages litigation and financial oversight, conducting audits and managing internal controls.  

Public Policy Hurting African-Americans

NCPA: Black History Month is a time to reflect on the accomplishments of African Americans over the decades – often in spite of “helpful” government programs  that backfire and fail, according to a new report from the National Center for Policy Analysis.

Reflections During Black History Month: What Public Policies Are Hurting African-Americans?

During a time when people reflect on the struggles and accomplishments of African-Americans over many decades, many agree that “more can be done” to ensure economic opportunity for all Americans. But the demand that the “more” must be done by government through a stronger safety net, wealth redistribution and mandated equality measures overshadows the years of evidence that more often than not, government programs fail

Inflation Targeting or Deflation Avoidance?

Forbes: Given the improved performance of the labor markets, the FOMC will probably begin a gradual process of interest-rate normalization, theorized NCPA Distinguished Fellow Bob McTeer in a Forbes commentary.