The Suffering of Iran’s Victims will Endure

Townhall: The ink is not even dry on Obama’s ill-conceived executive agreement with Iran and already observers have found potentially unlawful stipulations baked into the agreement. A predictable development, to be sure, but it seems last minute. The administration has already ignored other judicial pronouncements through the course of negotiations without much fanfare. As the debate now inevitably plunges into squabbles over illegalities, it is time to address the outstanding judgment still haunting grieving victims of Iran’s terrorism.

Should Drug Patents Apply in Poor Countries?

Real Clear Policy: In light of the World Trade Organization’s upcoming discussion of current patent exemptions, NCPA Senior Fellow Thomas A. Hemphill discusses the intellectual property benefits and concerns associated with drug patents in least developed countries in a Real Clear Policy commentary.

Medi-Cal is a trap, not a safety net

The Orange County Register: NCPA Senior Fellow John Graham discusses the budget deficit and the high marginal income tax imposed by Medi-Cal, and builds a case for replacing them with a fixed dollar federal tax, in a commentary in The Orange County Register.

Health Insurance Across State Lines

The Hill: According to NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham’s commentary at The Hill, allowing health insurers to sell health coverage across state lines has no effect on insurance premiums – but remains popular as a Republican sound bite.

The Mortgage Meltdown

The 2008 financial crisis was one of the most severe economic breakdowns in the history of the world.2 The crisis was a classic financial bubble with all the classic attributes thereof: greed, …

How Dodd-Frank Harms Main Street

The financial crisis of 2007-2008 was a shock to the American economy. The federal regulatory response of 2009-2010 was equally shocking to the financial system. The reforms enshrined in the Wall Street …