How Congress Can Curb Opioid Abuse: NCPA Report

Dallas, TX (7/8/2016) – Today’s vote on a House bill to reduce opioid abuse did not include a key solution to the growing opioid pan reliever epidemic: mandatory electronic prescribing. E-prescribing would make a significant dent in the rate of fraud, resale and abuse of opioids, according to a new study by National Center for Policy Analysis Senior Fellow Devon Herrick.

A Bogus Solution for High Drug Costs

Most of the drugs Americans take are lower cost generics — accounting for about 88 percent of prescriptions. Generics are cheap because they are no longer protected by patents and different manufacturers …

How to Pay for Medicare

Executive Summary Medicare, the health care program for the elderly, now provides insurance coverage for over 50 million Americans, and accounts for 20 percent of the $3 trillion spent annually on health …

How to Pay for Medicare

NCPA: Rising numbers of retirees and excess cost growth have made it imperative that we chance how the Medicare is financed – or the cost burden will crush taxpayers, according to a new study by NCPA Senior Fellows Andrew J. Rettenmaier and Thomas R. Saving.

Chris Wiley

Contributing Fellow Chris Wiley is an NCPA contributing fellow.  He is an expert in U.S. national security issues, tactical military aviation, and the construction industry.  Prior to his work at …

Obama Gives Kitchen Sink Away to Vietnam

CNS News: In a commentary at CNS News, NCPA Executive Director Allen West explains how the results of this weeks’ visit to Vietnam is another example of the Obama Administration losing leverage in the world.

How To Raise Wages

Since the Great Recession, the unemployment rate has steadily fallen from a high of 10 percent in October 2009 to the current rate of 4.9 percent. However, job gains and a …

Colonel Allen West Talks About Black Lives Matter

Accuracy in Media: Black Lives Matter ignores other significant problems including the demise of the black family unit and the necessity of a strong economy to support business opportunities for black citizens, said NCPA Executive Director Allen West in an article from Accuracy in Media.