Health Care Tax Credits Can Solve Uninsured Problem

Tax Credit Innovator, NCPA's Goodman, Available to Discuss Armey's "Fair Care" Bill

DALLAS (March 3, 2001) — House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) today reintroduced his bill to provide a refundable tax credit to help the uninsured purchase private health insurance. The news was heralded by National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) President John C. Goodman, as "a sensible step in the right direction."

"Health reform is tax reform," said Goodman. "'Fair Care' is one of a growing number of bipartisan actions that recognize that a reason for the uninsured population's growth can be traced to the disparity in tax treatment between the self-insured and those who received health benefits from an employer."

WHO: John C. Goodman, Ph.D., President, NCPA

WHAT: Analysis Of Fair Care And Other Health Care Tax Credit Proposals

WHEN: Available Immediately

Goodman and the NCPA have been active in recent years in working with both Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate to develop bipartisan tax credit bills. In addition, Goodman served as a health policy advisor to President Bush during his campaign for the Republican nomination. Bush endorsed tax credits as part of his health reform platform.

Goodman, who the Wall Street Journal referred to as "the father of Medical Savings Accounts," has authored seven books, including Patient Power: Solving America's Health Care Crisis, the condensed version of which sold 300,000 copies and is credited with playing a pivotal role in the defeat of the Clinton administration's plan to overhaul the U.S. health care system.