NCPA Social Security Experts Available On Expected Repeal Of The Earnings Test

WASHINGTON (March 1, 2000) – The House of Representatives is expected to consider and pass a bill to repeal the Social Security earnings test for working seniors over age 65.

Having argued for a repeal of this depression-era relic for over a decade, the National Center for Policy Analysis' team of Social Security and tax experts are available to provide insight and analysis on the benefits this policy change will make on the economy and the lives of countless seniors.

"The earnings test punishes people for working," said NCPASM President John C. Goodman. "It's a depression-era relic that has no place is today's world."

WHO: NCPA Social Security & Tax Experts

WHAT: Analysis On Repeal Of The Social Security Earnings Test

WHEN: Available Immediately

The Social Security earnings test limits the amount of income seniors may earn before losing their Social Security benefits. Current law reduces benefits by $1 for every $3 in earnings above $11,280 annually for retirees between 65 and 70 years of age.

The NCPA has been a long time advocate of repealing the earnings test. In the 1980s, the NCPA released a groundbreaking study on the issue. The study was released at a news conference featuring several young House members, including Reps. Dick Armey and Dennis Hastert.