Goodman To Keynote TABCC, U.S. Chamber Of Commerce's First Health Care Summit

Dallas (OCT. 22, 1999) — What is the best way to deliver health care? How can we solve the problem of the uninsured? Answering those questions and more will be National Center for Policy Analysis President John C. Goodman in a keynote address at a health care summit sponsored by the Texas Association of Business and Chamber of Commerce and the U. S. Chamber of Commerce in Austin.

The summit is the first in a national series to highlight the most effective approaches to solving the real problems in health care today – quality, access and cost.

WHO: John C. Goodman, Ph.D. President, National Center For Policy Analysis

WHAT: TABCC & U. S. Chamber Of Commerce's National Chamber Foundation "Reforming The Health Care System"

WHERE: Capitol Marriott Hotel, Austin, Texas

WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 26, 1999, 9:30 AM To 1:00 PM CDT

Dr. Goodman was recently appointed by Gov. George W. Bush to a blue ribbon task force on the uninsured in Texas, founded the NCPA in 1983 and has served as NCPA President since the center's inception. The Wall Street Journal called him "the father of Medical Savings Accounts," and National Journal declared him "winner of the devolution derby" because his ideas on ways to transfer power from government to the people have had a significant impact on Capitol Hill.

Dr. Goodman has addressed more than 100 different organizations on such public policy issues as taxes, welfare reform, Social Security privatization and the U.S. health care system. He is also the author of seven books, including Patient Power: Solving America's Health Care Crisis, the condensed version of which sold 300,000 copies and is credited with playing a pivotal role in the defeat of the Clinton administration's plan to overhaul the U.S. health care system.