Why are we doing this again?

Source: The Examiner

A chilling new analysis of the Senate health care bill by National Center for Policy Analysis (ncpathinktank.org) president John C. Goodman finds that it will insure only half of those currently lacking coverage, 25 percent of all seniors will face cutbacks in benefits or lose their private plans altogether, and millions more will be forced into Medicaid or a government -regulated health insurance exchange, largely financed by tax increases and benefit cuts on the middle class.

"To add insult to injury," Goodman says, "this new program will not solve the three problems candidate Obama said most need solving:

(a) The cost of health care will be higher than otherwise, according to every single estimate in and out of government;

(b) The quality of care will be threatened by new, payer-imposed constraints in an attempt to stop the relentless rise in costs; and

(c) After spending trillions of dollars, access to care for most Americans may get worse, not better."

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