New NCPA Report: Health Reform Impact on Elderly and Disabled

DALLAS, TX  – Finding accessible and quality care for the elderly and disabled will become increasingly difficult because of the "stunning" reduction in Medicare spending in the coming years, according to a new findings from the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).  The analysis examines both the new Medicare Trustees' Report and the controversial Office of the Actuary's Illustrative Alternative Report, released in August.

New NCPA analysis here:

How the ACA Will Affect the Elderly and Disabled on Medicare

Experts speaking at the Sept. 8th Capitol Hill briefing include:

David M. Walker: Former Public Trustee, Social Security and Medicare
Former Comptroller General of the United States
President and CEO, The Peter G. Peterson Foundation
Thomas R. Saving: Former Public Trustee, Social Security and Medicare
Dir., Private Enterprise Research Center and Professor of Economics, Texas A&M University
NCPA Senior Fellow
John C. Goodman: President and CEO, and Kellye Wright Fellow
National Center for Policy Analysis

The briefing on the new report will cover:

How the Affordable Care Act will affect the elderly and disabled on Medicare.

The magnitude of the planned reductions in Medicare spending over the next 75 years.

Medicare payments to doctors and hospitals are going to fall below Medicaid levels by 2019, and will fall increasingly behind Medicaid in future years.

Medicare will only be paying two-thirds the fees paid by private plans by 2019, and will pay only half as much by mid-century.

What these payment rates imply for access to and quality of care for the elderly and the disabled.

While the payment rates under Medicare continue to fall further behind through time, health care spending by the rest of the population is going to continue to rise at historic rates.   Does this mean that the elderly and the disabled will be in a separate, lower quality health care system?

WHAT:     Briefing on Medicare/Social Security Trustees' Report Impact

WHEN:     Wednesday, September 8, 2010
                  Noon – 1:15pm                            

WHERE:   Congressional Meeting Room — South
                  Capitol Visitor Center
                  Washington, DC 
                  Lunch will be served


The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization, established in 1983. The NCPA's goal is to develop and promote private alternatives to government regulation and control, solving problems by relying on the strength of the competitive, entrepreneurial private sector. Topics include reforms in health care; Medicare and Social Security; retirement; taxes; small business policy; and energy and environmental regulation.

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