Study shows plastic bag bans hurt sales

Source: Waste & Recycle News

A ban on single-use plastic bags can hurt sales for grocers and retailers within the bag ban area and drive shoppers to stores just outside the ban region, according to a new study from the National Center for Policy Analysis.

The NCPA surveyed store managers in Los Angeles County, Calif., where a bag ban went into effect in July 2011. The survey found that on average, stores outside the ban region reported an increase in sales of about 3.4%, whereas stores inside the ban region experienced a 3.3% decrease in sales. Four-fifths of stores within the ban region reported a sales decrease averaging 5.7%.

Furthermore, while every store inside the ban area was forced to lay off employees, none of the stores outside the ban area did so, the report indicates.

The study also analyzes the environmental and health effects of bag bans, and is available on the NCPA’s website.

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