Wisconsin Health Care Costs Among Nation’s Highest Under Obamacare

Source: NCPA

Wisconsin is a prime example of how rising health care costs and penalties are already surprising individuals, families and businesses in many states as they face new requirements under the Affordable Care Act, according to a new studyfrom the National Center for Policy Analysis and the John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy.

“Employer health coverage is more expensive in Wisconsin than only a handful of other states –yet it’s likely to get much worse,” said NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick. “Many Badger State workers will lose their current coverage when as many as two out of three Wisconsin firms are forced to switch health plans to meet new ACA standards.”

The study notes:

  • The average cost of a family employer plan in Wisconsin was $16,248 in 2012, more than in 42 other states.

  • Firms that employ 50 or more workers and don’t provide health insurance will be subject to a tax penalty of $2,000 for each uninsured employee beyond the first 30.

  • Two-thirds to four-fifths of employer plans will likely lose their grandfathered status under ACA regulations.

  • Overall, by 2016, about 10,000 Wisconsin workers will lose (or leave) small group employer plans due to regulations in the Affordable Care Act.

“The fact that 10,000 Wisconsinites will lose or leave their employee sponsored plans because of Obamacare regulations is unbelievable,” said Brett Healy, President of the MacIver Institute. “It is clear the ACA is raising the costs of health care – the exact opposite of what the President promised – and it is having a profoundly negative impact on businesses and their employees all across Wisconsin.”

“As the new ACA requirements are implemented in Wisconsin and other states, they will have a profound ripple effect on other aspects of business operations – such as hiring, employee compensation and business growth, especially for small businesses,” said Herrick.

“How Obamacare Is Affecting Wisconsin’s Workers and Employers”: http://www.ncpathinktank.org/pub/ib150

The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization, established in 1983. We bring together the best and brightest minds to tackle the country’s most difficult public policy problems — in health care, taxes, retirement, education, energy and the environment. Visit our website today for more information.

The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy is a Wisconsin-based think tank that promotes free markets, individual freedom, personal responsibility and limited government. Visit our website today for more information.