5 Years Later And Obama Still Trying To Sell Failed Health Care Law

Source: NRCC

President Obama still trying to sell Democrats’ signature legislation of his presidency, but the law’s negative impact shows why the American public still isn’t buying it.

5 years after Obamacare became the law of the land, President Obama offered many of the same broken promises and falsehoods today addressing the failed health care legislation. With growing costs, millions of Americans losing their plans, and households and business across the country feeling the law’s harmful effects, it’s no surprise that Obamacare is at a record-high of unpopularity.


President Obama, June 9, 2015: Before Obamacare, businesses “saddled… with skyrocketing costs.”


  • Washington Post: “Obama administration: Health law’s new rules will increase costs for most small businesses.” “The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which has spearheaded the implementation of the law, has acknowledged that new rules requiring insurers to offer guaranteed coverage and renewal options to small employers will likely drive up the price of insurance for some companies.” (J.D. Harrison, “Obama administration: Health law’s new rules will increase costs for most small businesses,” Washington Post, 2/25/2014)
  • Newsmax: “Study: Obamacare Costs Are Crippling Business.” The costs imposed by the ACA, better known as Obamacare, on small business will hurt hiring, employee compensation, and business growth, according to the report by National Center for Policy Analysis Senior Fellow Devon Herrick. (M.D. Kittle, “Study: Obamacare Costs Are Crippling Business,” Newsmax, 6/12/2014)
  • Investor’s Business Daily: “ObamaCare Hits Small Business Hard in Gloomy ’15.” “With businesses’ one-year reprieve from financial penalties under ObamaCare ending, the horror stories of complying with the costly health care law already are trickling in. The worst is yet to come.” (Editorial board, “ObamaCare Hits Small Business Hard in Gloomy ’15,” Investor’s Business Daily, 12/29/14)