Is the STEM Crisis a Hoax?

Heartland Institute: The only solution to the STEM crisis is to drastically improve and transform our K-12 education system, says NCPA Senior Fellow John Merrifield in a Heartland commentary.

Robbie Ellis

Director of Events Serving as the Director of Events, Robbie Ellis plans, coordinates and executes NCPA conferences, galas and policy luncheons. She directs the Hatton W. Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series …

The Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Small Business

Whereas large corporations typically self-insure — paying their employees’ medical bills and hiring insurers to administer health benefits — small businesses purchase group health coverage from insurers and face cost-increasing regulations as they go through the annual ritual of renewing their coverage. Over the next few years, as regulations and mandates are finally implemented, Obamacare will affect how businesses operate — including hiring, employee compensation, growth and so forth.

Ann N. Purvis

Senior Research Fellow Ann N. Purvis is a senior research fellow and covers a number of subjects, including energy and environment policy. In addition to editing NCPA publications, she is a …

The Biggest Myths of ObamaCare

Four years after its passage, Obamacare has now been largely implemented, and millions have had their coverage disrupted. For years, the administration has propagated a number of myths about Obamacare. Some have already crumbled, and others will fall as Obamacare continues to change the American health system.

Bob Buford

NCPA Economic Policy Forum & Author Series with Bob Buford Cable-TV Pioneer, Social Entrepreneur, Author, and Venture Philanthropist WHEN:    Wednesday, May 28, 2014                Luncheon 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM WHERE:  Belo Mansion                 Vinson & Elkins …