Tonya Featherstone

Sr. Director of Development Tonya oversees the day-to-day operations of the Development department, including supervision of submissions for proposals for grants and requests for proposals from foundations and letters of …

GOP Keeps Target on ObamaCare 'Risk Corridors'

Washington Examiner: The ACA’s provision for federal subsidies over the next three years “puts taxpayers at risk for the cost of serious mistakes in the design of the exchanges,” said NCPA President John Goodman in a Washington Examiner article. Goodman, along with Sen. Marco Rubio, testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on February 5th regarding ObamaCare’s risk corridors.

Retirees' Mortgages Can Outweigh Tax Breaks

The Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch: Retiring in a low-tax state may not save you money if you still have mortgage debt, says NCPA Senior Fellow Pamela Villarreal in an article featuring her work at The Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch. More than half of people about to retire still carry mortgage debt, and many will carry it with them years into retirement.

Lloyd M. Bentsen IV

Lloyd M. Bentsen IV is the NCPA senior research fellow covering a variety of topics that includes education reform, school choice, student engagement, energy, environment, natural resources and economics. Lloyd is a regular contributor to the NCPA Education Reform Blog. Lloyd received his Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Southern Methodist University and Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Houston.

Emily Miller

NCPA Economic Policy Forum & Author Series with Emily Miller WHEN:    Friday, January 31, 2014                12:00PM – 1:15PM WHERE:  Renaissance Hotel Dallas                Ellipse Ballroom                2222 Stemmons Freeway                Dallas, TX 75207                (214) 631-2222                 Click here …

Rachel Stevens

Rachel Stevens manages the NCPA’s youth outreach programs, including the Young Patriots scholarship essay contest, the NCPA’s participation in the Four Star leadership Academy and our internship program. She also supervises Debate Central, which provides free, high-quality resources for high school debate participants. Rachel studied political science at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she was a decorated competitor in three debate events. In 2010-2011, she finished in the top 8 in the nation in NFA-LD intercollegiate debate. She has over a decade of competitive debate experience as a coach, judge, and contestant.”

Leslie Shaw

Leslie Shaw is responsible for all of the accounting and business management functions of the NCPA. Leslie has over 18 years experience in business management in the areas of manufacturing, customer service, public accounting, and six years experience in the nonprofit sector.

Courtney MacDonell

Courtney MacDonell is director of grants and publications at the NCPA. She is responsible for managing and writing all grants, as well as for formatting NCPA publications, and writing and editing NCPA newsletters. She also edits Daily Policy Digest, the NCPA’s e-mail and Web-based newsletter summarizing public policy research news for opinion leaders.

Donna Nash Williams

Donna Nash Williams is responsible for the planning and execution of all NCPA meetings, special events and conferences including the Hatton W. Sumners Lecture Series, Sumners Public Policy Seminar and the annual Chairman’s’ Council Conference. Prior to coming to the NCPA she was a Senior Program Coordinator at University of Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) Departments of Continuing and Public Education. She was also Director of Events & Marketing Symbio Solutions, a software company located in downtown Dallas.

Watch Out for Debt in Retirement

AARP Bulletin: Retirees’ money is increasingly being spent on debt, asserted a piece in the AARP Bulletin. According to the piece, which quoted the NCPA study on retiree spending, retirees are spending more on mortgages, home equity loans, and credit card debt now than in the past.

How the Left and the Right Talk about Inequality

Psychology Today: Inequality doesn’t just happen – it happens for a reason, says NCPA President John Goodman in a piece at Psychology Today op-ed. Goodman examines the sources of inequality and identifies several key behaviors that make it nearly impossible to remain poor.  

Oversight Hearing on Mining in America

Chairman Brady and members of the Subcommittee, I am Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA). We are a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization dedicated to developing and promoting private alternatives to government regulation and control, solving problems by relying on the strength of the competitive, entrepreneurial private sector. I welcome the opportunity to share our views about mining in America.

Obama's Executive Order to Raise Some Wages: Does it Matter?

FOX Business: President Obama’s executive order to raise the minimum wage for federal contract workers could result in workers having their hours scaled back and a further distortion of the labor market in exchange for less than $100 extra dollars a week, says NCPA Senior Fellow Pamela Villarreal in a FOX article.

ObamaCare Can't Survive in its Present Form

FOX Business: On Lou Dobbs Tonight (FOX Business), NCPA President John Goodman stresses that ObamaCare cannot survive in its present form. With no movement from either party or the insurance companies to address the problems, Goodman says that the fact that people have been left in the dark is “a tragedy.” 

AARP Continues to Push for ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion

Carolina Journal Online: In a Carolina Journal Online article, NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick questions the AARP’s support for reducing Medicate Advantage subsidies. “It doesn’t make sense if you’re really advocating for care for seniors that you would support a law that essentially funded itself into perpetuity by cutting Medicare fees for the very doctors and hospitals that treat your constituents,” and run the risk of reducing service, said Herrick.

The Only Way for Poor to Escape From Poverty

FOX To transition from poverty into prosperity, a nation must have a free market system, backed by a government that is committed to using its power for the benefit of the people, argues co-author and NCPA Senior Economist Barry Asmus in a Fox op-ed.

Republicans' New Opportunity on Health Care

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Online: In a Fort Worth Star-Telegram editorial, NCPA President John Goodman’s recommends that Republican health care reform be simple, understandable and workable, as well as focused on themes that resonate with Americans and provide an economic incentive for those at the bottom in order to be successful.

The Social Fabric of Income Inequality

FOX News Channel: David Henderson discusses the social fabric of income inequality and his NCPA study on The Special Report with Bret Baier. According to Henderson, children from single-parent households must work much harder to succeed.