Thank You, Speaker Boehner

The American Spectator: NCPA Senior Fellow Peter Ferrara writes about the political struggles Republicans have won since the 2010 mid-term elections and the recommendations of Steve Moore for future policy.

Free To Choose Medicine

Free To Choose Medicine offers a compelling argument for the freedom of every patient, guided by the advice of his or her doctor, to make informed decisions about the use of not-yet-FDA-approved therapeutic drugs that are in late stages of clinical testing.

How U.S. Agricultural Subsidies Harm the Environment, Taxpayers and the Poor

Proponents of agricultural subsidies often justify them as necessary to compete in international agricultural markets and ensure a variety of plentiful, inexpensive food for domestic consumers. The federal government offers a wide range of aid to farmers, including: price supports and price floor programs; crop insurance — against both lost crops and lower than expected prices; government purchases of excess food stocks; and promotion of domestic crops through international trade agreements.

Education is key to comfortable retirement

Austin American Statesman: On average, students who graduate with a college degree earn more money over the span of their lifetime than those who do not, says NCPA Senior Fellow Pamela Villarreal and NCPA Research Associate Lewis Warne.