Six Billion Physician Fees

Psychology Today: The flexibility and instability of healthcare prices leads to uncertainty among consumers about what procedures they are paying for, says NCPA President John C. Goodman.

Bank Reserves: A Hot Potato

Forbes: NCPA Distinguished Fellow Bob McTeer explains the complexities of bank reserves and the current policy the Federal Reserve has to increase lending.

The Market for Medical Care Should Work Like Cosmetic Surgery

Every day, millions of American consumers go shopping. In the process, they compare the prices and quality of goods and services ranging from groceries to cellular telephone service to fast food to housing. But that daily ritual changes when it comes to comparing prices for medical care. Health care is the only major sector of our economy where consumers typically do not make decisions based on comparison shopping.

Navigating the ObamaCare Maze

Wall Street Journal: The Affordable Care Act will be ineffective due to the lack of  money budgeted, complexity and competency that is associated with the new healthcare reform, says NCPA President John C. Goodman.

Congressional Brief: Federal Involvement in Education

Through the U.S. Department of Education, created in 1979, the federal government has incrementally increased its role in education over the last 30 years. Federal spending on public elementary and secondary education in fiscal year 2010 totaled $76 billion, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, accounting for 12.7 percent of current state expenditures.

The Role of Foreign Trade on GDP

Forbes: In his latest Forbes post, NCPA Distinguished Fellow Bob McTeer says “imports are what we gain from international trade while exports are what we pay in international trade.”

Budget Wars

After four years without a federal budget, the House of Representatives and the Senate have passed different budget plans. The House plan sponsored by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and the Senate plan sponsored by Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) must be reconciled if the federal government is to adopt a budget.