The Crime Bill

Responding to polls that show crime to be the number one concern of Americans, Congress is about to act. What is certain to emerge is a bill providing for spending between $15 billion and $22 billion over the next five years.

The Myth of Universal Coverage

In his State of the Union address, President Clinton said he would veto any health care bill that does not create "universal health insurance coverage." If so, the President would have to veto his own bill. Neither the President's plan nor any other proposal that requires individuals to pay part of their own health insurance premiums will cause everyone to be insured.

Will Banning Assault Weapons Reduce Crime?

As part of its anticrime plan, the Clinton administration is endorsing a ban on the importation, manufacture, sale and possession of "assault weapons." Yet if passed, this legislation would do nothing to reduce the crime rate. Instead, it would give the American people the erroneous impression that the federal government was doing something serious about crime.

Does Punishment Matter?

The myth that punishment has failed to deter crime is being advanced by those who argue that we imprison more and more people without a significant reduction in crime. The facts say otherwise. From 1950 to 1974 " a period during which imprisonment for serious crime declined sharply " the crime rate soared. In 1974, the rate of imprisonment began increasing and, as a result, the crime rate leveled off in the 1980s and has actually declined in recent years. Still, the rate of serious crime remains distressingly high.