How Do Seniors in the Northeast Spend Their Money?

Over the past 25 years, the spending patterns of retirees (age 65 and over) have moved in response to increases (and falls) in the costs of goods and services, changes in retirement income and shifts in priorities. More seniors carry mortgage and credit card debt than in the past, but generally the economic well-being of seniors has improved, particularly in the area of discretionary spending. How have their spending habits changed?

Using the NCPA Model to Score Tax Reform

I am Pamela Villarreal, Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis. The current tax system is drain on the national economy. Besides the billions of dollars spent a year on compliance, the marginal rates on both individuals and corporations disincentive productive activities — such as working, saving and investing. Although the right and the left may not agree on specific reforms, they generally agree that there are too many loopholes, but if the tax system were simpler, broad-based and less punitive there would be no need for loopholes.

Helping Workers and Families to Save for Retirement

I am Pamela Villarreal, a senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis. For several years, I have explored and written about the importance of individuals and families saving for retirement as a supplement to Social Security benefits. Policymakers, retirement researchers and financial experts have conducted numerous studies only to find that most adults soon to be approaching retirement are not ready for retirement, and a majority will depend on Social Security for most of their income.

Effects of a Border-adjusted Corporate Tax

U.S. firms pay the world’s highest corporate tax rate — a federal tax of 39.1 percent combined with an average 4.1 percent state tax on profits from domestic sales, or foreign sales (when and if the profits are repatriated). In contrast, the lower tax rate embedded in the prices of those goods produced in other countries and shipped to the United States often gives them a competitive advantage, whether due to other countries’ lower valueadded taxes (VAT) or much lower corporate tax rates.

David Grantham Testimony: Texas Grid and U.S. National Security

America’s electric power grid is arguably the most vulnerable part of our nation’s infrastructure. Divided among three geographical regions, the U.S. network remains dangerously exposed to a host of potentially devastating natural disasters and foreign attacks. The May 2016 GAO report “Critical Infrastructure Protection: Federal Efforts to Address Electromagnetic Risks” does well to highlight the potential threats from an EMP and covers the actions already taken based on the recommendations of the 2008 EMP Commission, such as establishing industry standards and federal guidelines. However, the report’s remaining proposals are noticeably broad, which present difficulties for implementation on a national scale. The Lone Star State finds itself in a unique position to act as the only state with its own, self-contained grid. More importantly, the United States depends on Texas for its national security and defense readiness.

Why Trump’s Industrial Policy Will Fail

President Trump appears set to press for a mixed bag of fiscal and trade policies that will likely have contradictory effects. In addition to taking pages from President Ronald Reagan’s agenda to lower corporate and personal tax rates, trim government spending and deregulate business, President Trump also seems committed to pushing a version of the Democrats’ 1980s “New Industrial Policy” agenda.

Massive Growth & New Fiscal Imbalances

President Trump’s proposed tax plan will create 3,000,000 new jobs and 5 percent economic growth in the first year alone. But the tax cuts and proposed additional spending will translate to large future fiscal imbalances for taxpayers in the coming years, according to an analysis from the NCPA.

SEC Will Not Enforce Questionable Dodd-Frank Provision

Dallas, TX (4/12/2017) – The tireless work of the National Center for Policy Analysis and Senior Fellow Dr. David Grantham paid off last week when the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission agreed not to enforce the problematic conflict minerals provision tucked deep inside the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. This decision falls in line with recommendations made by Dr. Grantham dating back to November 2015.

NCPA’s John R. Graham Appointed to Trump Administration

Dallas, TX (4/5/17) – President and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), Jim Amos, has released the following statement on the news of the appointment of John R. Graham as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.