Chairman’s Council Conference 2014

Has America Lost It’s Way? Can We Get Back On Track?

Terranea Resort, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA May 4-7, 2014

Schedule of Events

  • Sunday, May 4 Conference begins with an opening Dinner and Reception
  • Monday, May 5 and Tuesday May 6 are filled with keynote speakers and policy sessions and
  • Wednesday, May 7 Conference ends

Evening excursions for attendees to enjoy the scenic restaurants and spectacular coastal destinations near Terranea Resort



Dinesh D’Souza’s keynote address at this year’s conference is “The Moral Argument for Free Enterprise: Refuting the Idea that Wealth Is Theft,” which explains that Americans didn’t get rich by stealing from the Indians or minorities. Dinesh will also offer an advance glimpse of his new movie, America: Imagine the World Without Her, the sequel to his movie, 2016: Obama’s America — the most successful conservative documentary film in history, garnering $33 million in theaters.

Among those speakers also joining us at this year’s conference are:

  • Star Parker, founder of the Coalition for Urban Renewal (CURE), who will speak about the benefits of restoring an ownership society and personal responsibility.
  • Randal O’Toole, who will speak about how free markets can save ailing American cities like Detroit from misguided public policies.
  • Tom Crawford an expert on mega data will explain how President Obama won.
  • Megan McArdle, libertarian blogger, journalist and author who has written on everything from drug legalization to unions to ObamaCare’s detrimental effect on the economy.
  • David Ranson, president of H.C. Wainwright Economics, will speak about how despite the current uptick in some indicators there really is something fundamentally wrong with the U.S. economy.

NCPA President and CEO John Goodman will unveil the renewed Free Our Health Care Now initiative and Senior Fellow Larry Kotlikoff will explain the dynamic economic modeling behind the Tax Analysis Center.


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