"CHIP Expansion A Step In The Wrong Direction" NCPA Experts Available On Health Care

DALLAS (July 5, 2000) — Vice President Al Gore is expected today to discuss his plan to expand the Children's Health Insurance Program, the federal government's health insurance program for children in low-income families. Earlier in the week, the Vice President discussed prescription drug costs.

Health experts from the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPASM), have looked at the vice president's plan for CHIP expansion, and have found that it takes a step in the wrong direction, by increasing peoples' reliance on government instead of finding ways to make private health insurance more accessible.

The NCPA's team of health policy experts are available to discuss the vice president's proposals on the uninsured and prescription drug coverage. They can also discuss free-market alternatives to solving these health related problems.

The nation's uninsured population is now at 44 million and growing. In 1999 the NCPA offered a solution, publishing the most comprehensive analysis to date on reforming the health care system with tax credits. The NCPA proposal formed the basis for several bills on Capitol Hill, including plans designed by U.S. Sens. Jim Jeffords and Bill Frist and House Majority Leader Dick Armey.

WHO: NCPA Health Policy Experts (See List Below)

WHAT: Analysis Of Chip Expansion Proposals And Prescription Drug Costs

WHEN: Available Immediately

As for prescription drug coverage, the NCPA commissioned study by Milliman & Robertson, Inc. (M&R), the nation's leading actuarial firm on health benefits, which showed that seniors could have access to prescription drug coverage without the federal government spending an additional dime. Specifically, if seniors were allowed to take their Medicare dollars plus the money they currently spend on supplemental "Medigap" insurance, they could purchase a comprehensive private plan that includes coverage for prescription drugs.

The NCPA's Team of Nationally Recognized Health Care Experts:

  • John C. Goodman, Ph.D. (Dallas) President and founder of the NCPA, Dr. Goodman is known as the "father of Medical Savings Accounts." He was dubbed by the National Journal as "a winner of the devolution derby," for his ideas on ways to transfer government back to the people and their significant impact on Capitol Hill. Dr. Goodman has testified before numerous congressional committees and regularly briefs Members of Congress on these issues. He has appeared on C-SPAN, ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN. His book Patient Power is credited with setting a pro-free-market agenda for solving health care problems.
  • Robert Goldberg, Ph.D. (New Jersey) Senior Fellow in Health Policy, Dr. Goldberg specializes in prescription drugs and pharmaceutical policy issues. He has researched and written extensively on the impact of price controls on biopharmaceutical innovation, FDA control of medical information, and the impact government regulation of medicine has had on health care quality. He has testified before several congressional committees and has written on health care and social policy for Reader's Digest, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, Policy Review and Regulation.
  • Greg Scandlen. (Washington, D.C.) Senior Fellow in Health Policy, Mr. Scandlen is an expert on health policy issues. He writes a weekly health policy newsletter called Washington Weekly, which summarizes and critiques important developments in national health policy. Mr. Scandlen is particularly attuned to the pulse of the health care business community. Prior to joining NCPA he was a fellow in health policy at the Cato Institute and President of the Health Benefits Group, a consulting firm in Frederick, Maryland.
  • Jack Strayer. (Washington, D.C.) Vice President of External Affairs for the NCPA, Mr. Strayer heads up the NCPA's Washington, D.C. office. He has appeared at health care forums for Members of Congress, insurance groups and other health related associations across the country. He has been a guest on CNN, CNBC, C-SPAN, PBS's Nightly Business Report, Fox Morning News, and America's Voice. Prior to joining the NCPA, he was director of federal affairs for the Council for Affordable Health Insurance.