First Conference on Rare Earths, Critical Metals, Energy and National Security in Washington, D.C. On Nov. 2

CONTACT:  Catherine Daniell, (972) 308-6479, or
                     Liz Petrova, (212) 843-9335,

DALLAS – The first of its kind, this conference will explore the direct link between the U.S. rare earths supply and the nation’s safety, as well as policy proposals to decrease our dependence on foreign suppliers, improve our domestic energy production, and enhance our national security. It is sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).

The conference is from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm at the Capitol Hill Hyatt Regency, 400 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington D.C on November 2nd.

Critical metals are key elements in dozens of weapons systems, surveillance platforms and, increasingly, to our energy supply that serve as the cornerstone of our national security, which underscores how important it is for the U.S. to reduce its dependence on critical metals. 

“Our current energy policy, encouraging and in some cases mandating the use of ‘green’ energy technologies like wind turbines and solar panels, is exacerbating our dependence on China for Rare Earths and reducing our foreign policy leverage,” said H. Sterling Burnett, Senior Fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis. “It’s also resulting in a loss of jobs overseas.  Whether through increased domestic production, substitution or reduced demand, the U.S. must decrease our dependence on China for rare earths and other critical metals”.

“This one-day conference will raise awareness of how current public policies lead to dependence on China for the U.S. supply of rare earths, and thus undermine our national security,” added Burnett. “The featured speakers and panelists of this conference collectively represent agencies and expertise that will determine whether U.S. policy will support domestic resource development — or run up against legislative and regulatory barriers that leave the U.S. dangerously dependent on foreign metals and minerals supply.”

The conference features key policy makers and executive branch analysts who will play a key role in shaping U.S. resource policies.

Featured speakers include Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, Colorado Congressmen Doug Lamborn and Mike Coffman.  Each of these members has a bill in the present Congress advancing domestic rare earths development and critical metals more broadly to provide strategic resource supply.

Also presenting at the conference will be speakers and panelists from:

• Dept. of Defense’s Defense Logistic Agency (keeper of the U.S. National Defense Stockpile)
• The Department of Energy
• The U.S. Geological Survey
• The U.S. War College
• Electron Energy, a rare earths magnet manufacturer
• Analysts expert in critical materials

Conference cosponsors include Logic International, the American Resource Policy Network and Rubenstein Public Relations.  Media are invited to attend.

About The National Center for Policy Analysis

The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization, established in 1983.We bring together the best and brightest minds to tackle the country’s most difficult public policy problems — in health care, taxes, retirement, small business, and the environment. Visit our website today for more information.


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