Focus Point – Bush At 100

I'm Pete du Pont with the National Center for Policy Analysis. You know democrats are running scared when the worst they can do in Bush's first 100 days is run fright ads about arsenic in the water, an issue that carries a lovely little dart: Senate democratic leader Tom Daschle voted for the arsenic levels he now castigates Bush about.

Bush did well in his first foreign policy test. He's going to get acceptable versions of his two big programs, sweeping tax cuts and public school accountability. He's been the beneficiary of good news: Economic reports in the last two weeks have brightened considerably, and recounts have shown he really did win Florida.

Bush has behaved like a man with a mandate, not like an accidental president. And that confidence – plus an adult seriousness after eight years of Clinton's adolescense – has won over both the people and a surprising percentage of the chattering classes. It's a good start that presages better things.

Those are my ideas, and at the NCPA we know ideas can change the world. I'm Pete du Pont. Next time, insider campaign reform.