Global Warming: What Do We Really Know vs. What We Are Told

National Center for Policy Analysis

Global Warming: What Do We Really Know vs. What We Are Told

National Center for Policy Analysis
Thursday, April 22, 2004
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room SD-406, Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C.
Register Online: click here

Few issues generate more debate or emotion from activists than global warming. This Earth Day, the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) examines whether fears of human-induced climate change are based on sound science and what impact proposed solutions will have on the climate and the economy.

  • Is the science behind global warming fears sound or shaky?
  • How has the issue been distorted by scientists, politicians and the media?
  • What impact will the Kyoto Protocol or McCain-Lieberman have on the climate and/or the economy?
  • What steps are states taking to combat climate change? Will it work, and at what cost?

Come hear leading scientists and policy analysts set the record straight about the reality of climate change.

Speakers include:


David Legates
Director of the Center of Climatology
University of Delaware
Adjunct Scholar, NCPA  

Myron Ebell
Director, International Environmental Policy
Competitive Enterprise Institute

Pat Michaels
Professor of Environmental Sciences ,
University of Virginia
Senior Fellow, CATO Institute

Alexandra Liddy Bourne
Director, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture Task Force,
American Legislative Exchange Council Adjunct Scholar, NCPA

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