NCPA: Lead Ammunition Bans Harm Wildlife

August 8, 2012 (Dallas, TX)—Contrary to environmentalists’ claims, the use of lead ammunition poses a minimal risk to wildlife, while a lead ammunition ban would positively harm wildlife, according to a new report from the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).

“The EPA is not allowed by congress to regulate or ban lead ammunition,” said NCPA Senior Fellow Sterling Burnett.  “However, even if it were, there is little evidence supporting the claim that lead ammunition poses a significant harm to animals and humans.

Condors are one of the few species in which lead ammunition is arguably causing harm – but protecting them does not justify a call for a nationwide ban,” said Burnett. “Rather, limited restrictions covering only the condors’ home range might be justified to prevent harm.”

Lead ammunition sales also fund wildlife conservation.

“Hunters pay an excise tax on all the lead ammunition they purchase, which directly funds wildlife conservation programs,” said author and NCPA intern Alexis Hunter. “Banning lead ammunition would actually be unsound wildlife management.”

Since 1991, there have been restrictions on using lead ammunition to hunt certain animals, but several environmental groups have recently pushed for the EPA to regulate or ban lead ammunition production.  However, bans would increase the cost of hunting and could jeopardize $1.66 billion per year in wildlife management and conservation funding from taxes and fees on guns, licenses, and ammunition.

No Need to Get the Lead Out

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