NCPA Medical Savings Accounts Innovator in Washington

Health Policy Expert Urges Politicians Not to Sell or Buy the 'Poison Pill' Myth

Washington, D.C. (October 11, 1999) — As the President and members of Congress consider expanding Medical Savings Account (MSA) provisions to increase access to health insurance for the uninsured, Dr. John Goodman, recognized as "the father of MSAs" and president of the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis, will be in Washington this week to dispel myths some members of Congress recently tried to attach to MSAs during the Patient Bill of Rights debate.

WHO: Dr. John C. Goodman, National Center for Policy Analysis

WHAT: Medical Savings Accounts & Other Tax Incentives for the Uninsured

WHEN: Tuesday and Wednesday, October 12-13, INTERVIEWS BY REQUEST

WHERE: National Center for Policy Analysis, 655 15th Street, NW, Suite 375, Washington, DC

Dr. Goodman, on a June trip to South Africa to calculate how MSAs work when sold without restriction, discovered that Medical Savings Accounts have captured 50% of the private health insurance market in that country. U.S. companies which offer Medical Savings Accounts to their South African workers include Microsoft, McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Daimler-Chrysler, Gillette, Hewlett Packard, Nike, Reebok, Pfizer and Dell.