NCPA Pres. John C. Goodman at Barnes & Noble Book Signing Saturday

In his latest book, John Goodman outlines realistic health care reform solutions for patients, providers, employers, and employees, who are all trapped in a dysfunctional healthcare system fraught with perverse incentives that raise costs, reduce quality, and make care less accessible.

Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis founder and President John C. Goodman is a leading national health economist, called “the Father of Health Savings Accounts” by The Wall Street Journal. A summary for Priceless can be viewed here.

Among the many reviewers praising the book – Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, Michael O. Leavitt, Peter Orszag, Steve Forbes.

When:   Saturday, September 22, 2012 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Where: Barnes and Noble, University Park Village,
              1612 S. South University Drive #401, Fort Worth, TX 76107 [map]

Published by the Independent Institute, Pricelessoutlines how:

  • The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—a.k.a. ObamaCare—is the result of a special-interest feeding frenzy.
  • Patient safety could be improved by allowing patients, doctors and hospitals to enter into voluntary, no-fault contracts.
  • True reform requires liberation — freeing doctors, patients, and the American workforce.
  • The widespread adoption of Health Savings Accounts would cut costs by 30 percent or more.

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