NCPA Releases Annual Crime Report Violent Crime is Down – Punishment is Up

Higher punishment rates are responsible for the continued decline in violent crime. A National Center for Policy Analysis report scheduled for release Friday at the National Press Club examines the most recent crime statistics and explains how and why violent crime is down. Crime and Punishment in America 1998 analyzes the prison time a criminal can expect to serve for committing a crime and then considers what effect "expected punishment" has had on the crime rate.

Of today's prison population of 1.8 million, fewer than 100,000 state and federal prisoners work in productive, job-training employment within or outside prison walls.

Dr. Reynolds simultaneously serves as a professor at Texas A&M University, regularly testifies before Congress, and was visiting scholar for the Joint Economic Committee in 1994. In addition to his work to expand prison industries, Dr. Reynolds is one of the country's leading experts on juvenile crime and the effects of expected punishment on reducing crime. As a published columnist, Dr. Reynolds also calls for reform of the Brady Gun Bill and the Miranda rights.

For interviews with Dr. Reynolds in Washington, contact Joan Kirby at 202- 220-3082. For Texas interviews, contact Jil Hicks at 972-386-6272.

Dr. Morgan Reynolds
Director of the NCPA's Criminal Justice Center

Media Breakfast to release
Crime and Punishment in America 1998

8:15 a.m. (Breakfast Buffet)
8:30 a.m. (Press Conference)
Friday, September 4, 1998