NCPA/Dallas Fed Policy Forum To Feature Tribute To F.A. Hayek

DALLAS (July 10, 2000) – Arguing that F.A. Hayek is more responsible than any other single individual for the intellectual defeat of totalitarian collectivism, John Raybould, a visiting fellow at London's Adam Smith Institute will present an audio visual tribute to the Austrian economist at the next National Center for Policy Analysis/Dallas Fed Policy Forum.

Although not a household name, F.A. Hayek is perhaps the 20th century's most influential free-market economist, having had a direct impact on the well being of millions of individuals. He gained wide acclaim for his books, The Road to Serfdom and The Constitution of Liberty. Hayek won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974, and was awarded the title of Companion of Honour by Queen Elizabeth II in 1984.

WHO: Dr. John Raybould, Fellow, Adam Smith Institute

WHAT: NCPA/Dallas Fed Policy Forum "Tribute To F.A. Hayek"

WHEN: Thursday, July 13, 2000, Noon To
1:30 PM

WHERE: Federal Reserve Bank Of Dallas, 2200 N. Pearl Street, Dallas, Texas

Complimentary parking is available at the corner of Pearl and Thomas.

Raybould will present information and images from his recently compiled book entitled Hayek: A Commemorative Album, which highlights the life and achievements of the free-market icon who died in 1992.