NCPA's Tax Expert Bartlett Available On Marriage Penalty And Death Tax

WASHINGTON (July 11, 2000) – With the U.S. Senate set to debate both marriage penalty relief and ending the estate tax this week, Bruce Bartlett, senior fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis, is available to provide expert analysis and comment on the two proposals and on their likelihood of passage.

Bartlett, one of the nation's foremost experts on tax policy, has written extensively on both the marriage penalty and the estate tax, as well as federal tax policy in general. Just this past month, Bartlett penned a study for the NCPA which called for Congress to abolish the estate tax, calling it the government's least significant revenue source and a completely irrelevant tool for wealth redistribution – a stated goal of many estate tax defenders.

WHO: Bruce Bartlett, Senior Fellow, NCPA

WHAT: Expert Analysis Of Estate Tax & Marriage Penalty Relief

WHEN: Available Immediately

Bartlett writes a column on economic policy twice weekly which is nationally syndicated by Creators Syndicate. In 1987 and 1988, Bartlett served under Gary Bauer, who was then assistant to the president for domestic policy. Before joining the National Center for Policy Analysis, he was deeply involved in development and passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 as a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation from 1985-1986. In 1977, as a member of then-Congressman Jack Kemp's staff, he helped draft the famous Kemp-Roth tax bill, which formed the basis of the 1981 Reagan tax cut.