
Regs Change Roles

Healthcare Informatics: In this article from Healthcare Informatics, NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick is cited on the need for hospitals to become more effective at collecting consumer debt.

Brussels Terror

FOX Business: On FOX Business’ Mornings w/ Maria, NCPA Executive Director Allen West warns that in the wake of the terror in Brussels, we must not let political correctness keep us from protecting ourselves from organized terrorism. 

The Unaffordable Affordable Care Act Turns 6

The Health Care Blog: The “Unaffordable” Care Act marked its 6th anniversary with a whimper, rather than a bang, says Senior Fellow Devon Herrick in an article on The Health Care Blog, alluding to the problems plaguing Obamacare.

Former DIA Dir. & Terrorism/National Security Expert in Dallas

NCPA: Former Defense Intelligence Agency director, author, and experienced combat veteran, Lt. General Michael T. Flynn will discuss the growing threat of Islamic terrorism and address NSA surveillance, border security, and other national security challenges facing America at an Addison luncheon co-sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis. The topic is particularly timely, following today’s terror attacks.

Strange Bedfellows Defending Obamacare

Townhall: In this commentary from Townhall, NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick explains why the newly released study from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) arguing that repealing Obamacare would increase the federal budget is disingenuous.

Free Enterprise Is National Security

Townhall: NCPA Senior Fellow David Grantham walks us through the inconsistencies of Obama administration as it defies the American people and continues down the path towards appeasing the Cuban government.

Medi-Cal system encourages abuse

OC Register: In a commentary from the Orange County Register, NCPA Senior Fellow John Graham suggests that the way Medicaid funds are disbursed creates perverse political incentives to tax hikes and says the only way to fix it is fundamentally reforming Medicaid’s financing.

Lt. General Michael T. Flynn in Dallas March 31st

NCPA: Former Defense Intelligence Agency director, author, and experienced combat veteran, Lt. General Michael T. Flynn will discuss the growing threat of Islamic terrorism and address NSA surveillance, border security, and other national security challenges facing America at an Addison luncheon co-sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis.

Education, the Great Equalizer

Townhall: In a Townhall commentary, NCPA Executive Director Allen West explains why education is important, and the positive impact a quality education can have on a child’s ability to rise in America.

Donald Trump On Drugs

Forbes: NCPA Senior Fellow John Graham says the best way to lower prescription drugs prices is not to fight against the companies that research, develop, and manufacture them, as Trump is suggesting, but instead to reduce the regulatory burden of the Food and Drug Administration, in this commentary in Forbes.