
What Is Military Appreciation?

Townhall: We should honor our servicemembers with an earnest heart and let our actions, not words, be the testimony of such, says NCPA Executive Director Allen West in his commentary at Townhall.

What Is Important — and Not Important — about Inflation

From early times investors have rightly worried about the instability of the price level. Inflations large enough to wipe out real returns from stocks and bonds are all too common. Does that require that the rate of inflation be a vital consideration in investment decisions? Not necessarily. It is not so much inflation itself, but its instability or unpredictability that hardest hits investment performance. Egged on by statisticians, the Federal Reserve, pundits and the press, investors spend scarce time and resources arguing about the degree of inflation. Yet the facts suggest much of the fuss is unnecessary.

Texas Grid and U.S. National Security

Chairman Perry and members of the Subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to submit written comments about the EMP threat to our nation’s electric grids. I am David Grantham, a senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis. We are a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization dedicated to developing and promoting private alternatives to government regulation and control, solving problems by relying on the strength of the competitive, entrepreneurial private sector.

Regulations Are A Really Big Drag On U.S. Growth

Townhall: The cumulative buildup of federal regulations over time leads to duplicative, obsolete, conflicting and even contradictory rules which stifle growth, says AEI Resident Scholar Mark Perry and NCPA Senior Fellow Thomas Hemphill in this commentary at Investor’s Business Daily.

How to Replace Obamacare with a Better Plan

NCPA: With health care costs and insurance premiums rising, the National Center for Policy Analysis has developed a multi-point Congressional brief that outlines affordable and effective alternatives. The objective of these proposed changes is to do what the Affordable Care Act has failed to do – create accessible, affordable and high quality health care for many more Americans than have it now.

NCPA Alternatives to Obamacare

Goals of Health Reform Health reform must replace Obamacare with increased flexibility in health plan design; tax fairness regardless of where Americans get their health coverage; increased access to primary care …

Social Media Spy Intel

FOX Business: In an interview on FOX Business Network’s Cavuto Coast to Coast, NCPA Executive Director Allen West says an important aspect of the 21st century battlefield is terrorists’ use of social media.