Red States Benefit from Economic Freedom, Says Study

NCPA/Fraser Study Also Shows Citizens Profit In More Economically Free States

DALLAS, Texas (June 29, 2005) – States that voted for George W. Bush in the last election tend to have less government regulation and more economic freedom than states that voted for Sen. John Kerry, according to a report released today by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) and Canada’s Fraser Institute. Ten of the 12 states with the most economic freedom were carried by President Bush (Red states), and 7 of the 12 least economically free states were carried by Sen. Kerry (Blue states).

“People in Red states prefer more economic freedom,” said NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick. “The pay-off is that they enjoy higher economic growth.”

The report ranks states based on the degree of economic freedom. The three principal factors are: size of the state’s tax burden, size of state government in relation to the state’s economy, and flexibility of the state’s labor market.

Delaware remained at the top of the index for the third straight year and West Virginia ranked last, also for the third straight year. The index ranks states on a scale of 1 to 10 (highest) and each one-point increase tends to produce about $4,500 more in per capita income (gross domestic product). While economic freedom is not the sole determinant of a state’s wealth, the correlation is strong.

  • Compared to the average (median) state, Delaware enjoys $6,772 more income (GDP) because of its higher level of economic freedom.
  • By contrast, West Virginia has $8,126 less income because of its lower level of economic freedom.
  • The 10 highest ranking red states enjoyed $3,837 in extra per capita income, while the 10 lowest ranking blue states lose $3,205 per person relative to the average state.

This year’s rankings represent a marked improvement for North Dakota, which jumped to 27 th from 34 th, and Maryland, which improved to 16 th from 21 st. But Oklahoma fell 7 places to 36 th and Illinois fell from 15 th to 21 st.

While economic freedom in Canada stayed the same on average in the 2005 report, rankings for most of the provinces improved relative to the U.S. In the 2004 report, only 4 of the 10 Canadian provinces ranked higher than West Virginia; in the 2005 report, only 4 ranked lower.

Editor’s note: Please see attached chart.

Economic Freedom Index 2005
Rank State Economic Freedom Score** Gain (Loss) in Per Capita GDP* 2004 Election Per Capita GDP Rank in 2004
1 Delaware 8.4 $6,772 Blue 58,503 1
2 Tennessee 8.1 $5,418 Red 32,837 2
3 Florida 8.0 $4,966 Red 31,183 3
4 Arizona 7.9 $4,515 Red 31,571 5
4 New Hampshire 7.9 $4,515 Blue 36,447 3
4 Virginia 7.9 $4,515 Red 39,462 6
7 Texas 7.8 $4,063 Red 35,583 6
8 South Dakota 7.7 $3,612 Red 32,880 8
9 Colorado 7.6 $3,160 Red 39,860 8
10 Georgia 7.5 $2,709 Red 35,795 10
10 Nevada 7.5 $2,709 Red 37,455 10
10 North Carolina 7.5 $2,709 Red 36,145 12
13 Indiana 7.4 $2,257 Red 39,462 12
14 Nebraska 7.3 $1,806 Red 35,288 15
14 Utah 7.3 $1,806 Red 31,471 15
16 Alabama 7.2 $1,354 Red 28,035 15
16 Maryland 7.2 $1,354 Blue 37,038 21
16 Massachusetts 7.2 $1,354 Blue 44,861 15
16 Missouri 7.2 $1,354 Red 33,079 15
16 South Carolina 7.2 $1,354 Red 29,815 14
21 Illinois 7.1 $903 Blue 38,624 15
21 Kansas 7.1 $903 Red 33,007 21
23 Iowa 7.0 $451 Red 33,460 25
23 Pennsylvania 7.0 $451 Blue 34,792 25
25 Connecticut 6.9 $0 Blue 47,922 24
25 Louisiana 6.9 $0 Red 29,396 21
27 Kentucky 6.8 ($451) Red 29,899 29
27 Michigan 6.8 ($451) Blue 34,978 29
27 New Jersey 6.8 ($451) Blue 44,333 28
27 North Dakota 6.8 ($451) Red 31,203 34
27 Wyoming 6.8 ($451) Red 40,665 25
32 Arkansas 6.7 ($903) Red 26,579 29
32 Mississippi 6.7 ($903) Red 24,117 29
34 Idaho 6.6 ($1,354) Red 28,708 34
34 Minnesota 6.6 ($1,354) Blue 39,815 36
36 Oklahoma 6.5 ($1,806) Red 27,259 29
36 Wisconsin 6.5 ($1,806) Blue 35,048 36
38 Vermont 6.4 ($2,257) Blue 31,804 38
39 Ohio 6.3 ($2,709) Red 34,029 38
39 Oregon 6.3 ($2,709) Blue 32,706 38
39 Washington 6.3 ($2,709) Blue 38,394 38
42 Montana 6.2 ($3,160) Red 26,114 43
43 California 6.1 ($3,612) Blue 39,077 42
43 Hawaii 6.1 ($3,612) Blue 35,463 43
43 New Mexico 6.1 ($3,612) Red 28,895 43
46 Alaska 6.0 ($4,063) Red 46,312 46
47 Maine 5.9 ($4,515) Blue 30,148 47
47 New York 5.9 ($4,515) Blue 41,395 47
49 Rhode Island 5.8 ($4,966) Blue 34,622 47
50 West Virginia 5.1 ($8,126) Red 25,219 50
* Gain (Loss) in Per Capita GDP reflects the estimated amount of economic activity per person that a state gains (or loses)
compared to the average state based on its level of economic freedom.
** A higher score means a higher degree of economic freedom