Shrinking Popularity of Health Care Reform – TopNews United Kingdom

Source: TopNews United Kingdom

The new health care reform in the US, backed by President Barack Obama, seems more like Democrats' political agenda rather than a welfare program for many.

The popularity of the health care reform has shrunk in comparison to its endorsement period in March, though it was not renowned enough then also, as reported by Pollster. com.

As per the composite average of the polls conducted, at presently the health care reform legislation is endorsed by 40% of Americans while 50% resist the same. When this legislation was approved, 44% Americans backed it and 47% stood against it. The proportion of those who backed the law has been decreasing, as the advantages promised by it are proving bogus.

Those who oppose the law, are many among the 14 million Americans working in health care and other millions with health insurance, drug or medical device Companies.

Obama's health care reform claimed to dampen the swift rise in the insurance premiums to $2,500 per family, annually. But as per PriceWaterhouseCoopers, the health care reform would increase the premiums by 111% in coming ten years, which is significantly higher in comparison to the 79% figure, if no new law had been passed. Thus, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are just meant to increase costs.

Though the new health care legislation allows people to exercise the option to keep their current coverage, John Goodman of the National Center for Policy Analysis doesn't agree with the same, as some of such people will have to bear insurance cut by their employers or will face decline in their benefits.

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