The NCPA Gives Thanks

Thanksgiving is just around the corner so I want to take this opportunity to thank:

  • You, for your generous gift to the NCPA. Because of people like you, we raised more than $5,234,000 over the past 12 months which allowed us to fund important initiatives such as our ten solutions to “repeal and replace” ObamaCare.
  • The college interns and graduate student fellows who give the NCPA a fresh perspective on the world. Because of their help, our experts were able to publish more than 40 publications and hundreds of blog postings on a variety of topical public policy issues.
  • The volunteers who freely give their time to the NCPA. Because of this, we have become a “paperless” office, which allows for greater efficiency, both in time and costs.
  • The staff for their hard work to further the NCPA’s mission to provide free-market solutions to public policy problems. Because of their efforts, we met weekly with Congressional offices, published cutting-edge research and appeared more than 4,832 times online, in print and on the radio and TV for an advertising equivalent value of more than $148,400,000 during FY2011.

The NCPA would not be possible without any of this and for all of this I am thankful.

Warm regards,

John C. Goodman
President, National Center for Policy Analysis