Think Tank & Radio Network Encourage Massive Resistance to ObamaCare

DALLAS, TX – A new grassroots campaign is expected to generate a million emails from constituents to their Congressional members, opposing ObamaCare.  The One Million Patriots campaign is a joint project of the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) and Salem Radio Network. (

"The President's plan will harm the economy, increase the cost of care and lead to higher middle class taxes.  All we're doing is asking voters to communicate their thoughts to Washington," said NCPA President and Kellye Wright Fellow John C. Goodman.

"ObamaCare has come down to one issue: Are members of Congress going to represent their constituents or the White House?" he added.      

"The Senate and House health reform bills were written by legislators who are not putting our health care, our jobs or our economy first," said Goodman. "Whatever their agenda, it's not to help us."

Goodman notes that the Internet trench warfare over this issue is unprecedented.  "To effectively reach the 'Google electorate,' the NCPA is educating millions on the potential impact of these bills on the issues of cost, quality and access to health care.  We are reaching out through a unique combination of talk radio and the Internet."

This latest grassroots call-to-action comes after the NCPA delivered 1.3 million "Free Our Health Care Now!" petition signatures to Congress in September.  The NCPA, working with partner Salem Radio Network, has hosted nearly 600,000 emails to members of Congress since December.  The NCPA sends nearly three million informational emails every week with health policy updates.  Consumer driven health care solutions can be found at:

Research, commentaries and news are posted several times a day at the John Goodman Health Policy Blog, one of the most active health policy blogs on the Internet."

"Even though most members of Congress have not read the bills and have no idea how they will affect their own constituents, they are being pressured by the White House, special interests and left wing activist to vote 'yes' anyway," said Goodman.  "This campaign will create a countervailing force."

Editor's note: John Goodman is available for an interview on this and other health care reform issues.

The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization established to develop alternatives to government regulation by relying on the private sector. Topics include health care, retirement, taxes, Social Security, and environmental regulation.


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