How Not To Be Poor

There is a strong correlation between poverty and certian behaviors. Thus one solution to the problem of poverty is to encourage young Americans to avoid behavior that will tend to lead them into poverty.

How Poor Are The Poor?

Although the poverty rate receives the most attention, another recent Census Bureau report adds an important perspective on the state of the poor in America today.

Answers for Seniors About Medical Savings Accounts

The U.S. Congress is on the verge of enacting the most sweeping reform legislation in the 30-year history of Medicare. Under the legislation, Medicare recipients would have new options, including the choice to remain in the traditional Medicare program, enroll in a health maintenance organization (HMO) or select a high-deductible health insurance plan with a Medical Savings Account (MSA). This Brief Analysis explains how MSAs work.

A New Day for Welfare

Congress is on the verge of passing a major reform that ends the entitlement status of Aid to Familes with Dependent Children, a status it has held since 1935. Instead, each state will receive a specific amount of money in a block grant and will have the freedom to design programs that meet its particular welfare needs.

Better Than Medicare

The Republicans have accomplished what no one in the Washington establishment contemplated when the Republican budget blueprint was adopted by Congress earlier this year. They have proposed a Medicare reform plan that actually offers the elderly a better system than Medicare, while still meeting the budget targets.

The Truth About Wages

Workers have chosen to take more of their compensation in the form of benefits, and their choice is not surprising. Benefits are tax free, whereas wages are taxable.

Taxing The Poor

When people on welfare earn income, they face two types of penalties. Not only do they have to pay taxes on their earnings, but they have their welfare benefits reduced as well. This reduction in benefits is a de facto tax, because it reduces their net income the same way direct taxes do.

The Impact of ERISA

While it is clear that the ERISA exemption has led to distortions in the current health care system, giving states more control over the self-funded plans would only make matters worse.

Welfare Reform: Should There Be Strings Attached?

A debate has arisen among conservatives over how much freedom the states should have.  Some argue for a "no-strings-attached" approach under which federal requirements on state use of block grant funds would be minimal.  Others want the federal govermnet to impose what they see as a conservative version of welfare, replacing the current liberal one.

Solutions to the Problem of Health Insurance Portability

One of the biggest problems facing workers in job transition is that health insurance is not "portable." Although the average person will change jobs eight times during his working life, employees are limited in their ability to keep their health insurance during job changes and periods of unemployment.

The Endangered Species Act Debate

The political situation has changed since the ESA was first passed. As was true more than 20 years ago, the debate is being driven by a nationwide grassroots movement. However, this time the coalition is composed of small property owners and property rights advocates rather than animal rights groups or public land advocates. With the new Republican majority in Congress, they have found a receptive audience.