The Case for Expanded IRAs

Given that we want economic growth, we have two choices. Americans must either import funds for investment from other countries or increase their saving rate. Expanded opportunities to make deposits to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are a proven way of encouraging more savings.

The Case for a Capital Gains Tax Cut

The 1986 Tax Reform Act increased the maximum tax rate on capital gains income from 20 percent to 28 percent. This 40 percent tax hike has reduced government revenues, discouraged entrepreneurship and caused many investors to hold on to assets they would prefer to sell.

The Armey Flat Tax

The Freedom and Fairness Restoration Act would scrap virtually all current deductions, credits, exclusions and exemptions, as well as the five current tax brackets. In their place, it would establish a single 17 percent tax rate on a much broader tax base.

California's Single-Payer Initiative

The government of California would pay for most health care through higher taxes, requiring the state's entire health care system to be remade by state government and micromanaged by a new, all-powerful state health commissioner.

Two Cheers for Michel-Lott

The Michel-Lott plan builds on key reform ideas developed by the National Center for Policy Analysis.  However, some benefits of the reforms would be diluted by unnecessary insurance regulations that should be dropped from the proposal.

Is Hawaii a Model for Health Care Reform?

Senator Kennedy and others argue that Hawaii's more centralized control of the health care system has led to a better distribution of physicians and more effective utilization of resources, hospital beds and technology. However, there is evidence to dispute this.

The Crime Bill That Deserves to Stay Dead

President Clinton has blamed the defeat of the crime bill on obstructionist Republicans and the National Rifle Association, and the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives is threatening to force another vote. If they do so, the bill deserves to be defeated a second time.

Death by Quota

Is death sentencing really racially discriminatory? Those who claim there is a pattern of discrimination are ignoring a host of studies that show otherwise.