Private Sector Alternatives to the Welfare State: A New Agenda for Black Americans

The black community in the U.S. has a rich tradition of self-help institutions. These institutions, essential to black survival, thrived in the time of black slavery, during the period following the Civil War, during the Great Depression and during other crisis — long before there was a welfare state and at times when white society was either hostile or indifferent to the plight of blacks.

Legal Barriers to Home-Based Work

The activities of women in the labor market reveal two crotradictory trends. On the one hand, women are better educated and have more job skills and training than ever before. On the other hand, a substantial number of women are leaving executive suites and returning to have children and care for their families.

Social Security and Race

Black and White workers earning the same wages pay identical Social Security taxes. Yet because their higher mortality rates, black workers will receive far less in Social Security benefits then their white cohorts.

Social Security: Who Gains? Who Loses?

When the baby boom generation retires and looks to a much smaller working populationto pay its benefits, Social Security will face a finalcial crisis of alarming magnitude. This will occur sometime in the next century. Yet, if we wait until then to deal with the porblem there will be few options available.

Private Sector Alternatives in Urban Transportation

Throughout the 20th century, in the United States and in countries around the world, people have increasingly turned to government to solve problems they believe cannot be solved through the private marketplace. In recent years, however, scholars have discovered that government solutions to social problems often do not improve upon the private solutions of the marketplace.

Paying People to be Poor

Since 1972, there has been a strong, positive relationship between the amount of welfare spending and the amount of poverty, after adjusting for other important factors, including the unemployment rate and the rate of economic growth.

Privatization In The U.S.: Cities And Counties

A privatization revolution is taking place among cities and counties throughout the country. Privatization–the practice of transferring assets and activities out of the public sector and into the private sector–is an option local governments are increasingly turning to in order to cut costs and avoid tax increases.

Welfare Report

The welfare system of the United States is creating proverty, not destroying it. The War on Poverty not only is not being won, but the weapons designed to defeat poverty are being used to insure its proliferation.