Put the children back in SCHIP

Originally published in: The Washington Times A hot topic in the halls of state and federal government these days is health insurance, specifically children's health insurance. The number of uninsured …

Why Are Health Costs Rising?

Mr. Chairman and members of the Subcommittee, please accept my comments for the record regarding the March 15, 2007, hearing about providing health insurance for the uninsured.  My comments focus …

Experts Doubt Survey Findings on Health Plan Owners' Satisfaction

A December 2005 survey found people with consumer-driven health care (CDHC) plans were less satisfied than those in comprehensive health plans. The Internet-based survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and Commonwealth Fund paints a far bleaker picture than CDHC proponents believe is true.

Kerry would bust the budget on healthcare

Now that the presidential nominees of both major parties are known, it's appropriate to focus attention on their plans to deal with one of the nation's major public policy problems: insuring the uninsured. The differences between the two plans are enormous.