Commentary: Answers needed on climate

The Climate Gate scandal is a textbook case of professional malfeasance that should give Congress reason to pause before agreeing to a binding international agreement that would hamstring the world economy in order to prevent the climate from changing.

Climategate Scandal Deals Blow to Global Warming Fears

A series of e-mails between scientists who serve as gatekeepers for the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change leaked from the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit has caused a firestorm of controversy that has yet to die down several months after the news first broke.

Solar Sticker Shock Hits Washington County

Kittitas County, Washington is experiencing sticker shock as the true cost of solar power is coming in at more than three times the promised price.

In less than one month's time, the cost estimate for a proposed 75 megawatt solar power plant has soared by more than 200 percent.

Carbon Offsets: Scam, Not Salvation

In the battle against climate change, most media attention has been paid to "cap-and-trade" schemes, under which countries set upper limits ("caps") on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and allow companies to sell ("trade") unused emissions rights to other firms. However, there is a second path to global warming salvation: Carbon offsets.

Climate bill seems pretty dim

It's been called a highly regressive tax, imposing relatively higher costs on the poor. Another agrees that it would impose a larger burden, relative to income, on low-income households than on high-income households. And these are just its advocates.

Removing the Political Shortage of Water

About 82 percent of Americans receive drinking water via publicly owned water systems, according to the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Many of these municipal and regional systems operate at a loss, meaning users' fees don't cover the cost of treating and delivering the water.

Los Angeles Voters Reject Solar Initiative

In a surprising blow to environmental activists and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union, Los Angeles voters rejected a ballot initiative that would have required the city to install 400 megawatts of solar panels by 2014.

EPA Considers California Greenhouse Gas Waiver

The National Center for Policy Analysis appreciates the opportunity to comment on the President's request to the EPA to reconsider its previous denial of California's 2005 Waiver of Federal Preemption under Section 209(b) of the Clean Air Act. We would like to take this opportunity to caution EPA Administrator Jackson against reversing the denial of the request made by former EPA Administrator Johnson in 2008.

A Must-Read Book on Global Warming

The Deniers, a riveting book by Canadian environmental journalist Lawrence Solomon, should be read by anyone who wants to understand where and why substantive debate remains concerning climate change. The book painfully shows why there is so much vitriol surrounding what until recently was a relatively quiet, unheralded, or unnoticed (except by its practitioners) field of science.

Brazil's Energy Plan Examined

Originally Published in: Washington Times With national security on everyone's mind and the average retail price of gasoline nearing an inflation-adjusted high of $3.40 a gallon, analysts have touted Brazil …

Are Polar Bears Dying?

A new study by Dr. David Legates, Delaware's State Climatologist and director of the University of Delaware's Center for Climatic Research, throws cold water on the claim that global warming threatens to cause the extinction of polar bears.