Unjustified Assault on Biotech Foods will Cost Lives and Harm the Environment

The world's farmers currently produce more than enough food to feed the earth's six billion people, using approximately six million square miles – an amount of land equal in size to the United States and Europe – to do so. Where malnutrition, famine and starvation does occur, broken distribution systems due to wars (civil and otherwise), and totalitarian regimes who use starvation as a political tool are primarily to blame.

No Apologies for Bush's Environmental Record

With Texas Governor George W. Bush being the Republican presidential front-runner, his record has come under heightened press scrutiny. This is natural since Bush's record as governor could indicate the types of policies he might pursue as president.

Light Rail Carries Too Light A Load

Light rail has proven incapable of solving these problems. After four years of operation and more than $900 million spent on light rail, both traffic congestion and the air pollution associated with it have gotten worse.

HUD Hypocracy

Trial lawyers, anti-gun activists, mayors and the Clinton Administration's Department of Housing and Urban Development have a "simple solution" to the complex problem of gun violence: sue gun makers for the public costs of criminal, negligent and self-destructive gun misuses.

New Gun Controls Miss the Mark

In the emotional aftermath of Littleton, the U.S. Senate decided to "act now, think later," in its Juvenile Accountability Act. It's an opportunity for the House of Representatives to take bragging rights as the more thoughtful, reflective body in Congress.

Gun Lawsuits Make Us All Less Safe

Not every city or state has seen the drop in crime that has accompanied the liberalization of concealed carry laws. States like Illinois forbid the concealed carrying of firearms; they have double the murder rate and a 20 percent higher rape rate than states with liberal concealed carry laws.

Let States Manage the National Forests

The United States Forest Service is a lightning rod for both fiscal conservatives and liberal environmentalists. Fiscal conservatives decry its money-losing programs. Environmentalists claim that its programs cause environmental harm. Both groups are correct, but years pass with no changes made to the failed policies.

Throwing Cold Water on the Global Warming Treaty

In December 1997, in Kyoto, Japan, the Clinton/Gore administration negotiated a treaty that would require the United States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 40 percent – to 7 percent below their 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012 – in an effort to avert catastrophic human-caused global warming.